The story of the Rebellion Brewery starts with two friends, Tim Coombes and Mark Gloyens. Attending school together in Marlow at a time when the old Wethered Brewery was in full production, the sweet aromas of malt were a constant reminder that Marlow was an active brewing town. Years later, Tim and Mark discussed the possibility of a joint business venture, and with the closure of the Wethered Brewery in 1987, the idea of starting a new brewery and reviving Marlow’s brewing tradition was born. After a couple of years researching, planning, and several admirable attempts to reinstate a brewery on the original Wethered site, the Rebellion Brewery was eventually established on the Rose Industrial Estate in Marlow Bottom in April 1993. In 1999 the brewery moved to its current location on Bencombe Farm, occupying the old grainstore and other redundant farm buildings.
Since 1999 the Rebellion Brewery has made significant improvements to its site and equipment, enabling the development of an increasingly diverse beer range which includes draft and bottled ales, lager, porter and wheat beers. These beers are popular not only in pubs within the 30 mile delivery range but in the large on-site brewery shop.
Using premium ingredients, traditional methods and embracing modern technology, Rebellion will continue to develop and produce a wide range of fantastic tasting, quality beers.